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Вы здесь » test » Тестовый форум » People are very flexible and learn to adjust to strange

People are very flexible and learn to adjust to strange

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People are very flexible and learn to adjust to strange
surroundings -- they can become accustomed to read Lisp and
Fortran programs, for example.
    -- Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro, Art of Prolog, MIT Press



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In Ellen's house it is warm and toasty while fuzzies play in the snow outside.



Work expands to fill the time available.
    -- Cyril Northcote Parkinson, "The Economist", 1955



The idea of man leaving this earth and flying to another celestial body and
landing there and stepping out and walking over that body has a fascination
and a driving force that can get the country to a level of energy, ambition,
and will that I do not see in any other undertaking.  I think if we are
honest with ourselves, we must admit that we needed that impetus extremely
strongly.  I sincerely believe that the space program, with its manned
landing on the moon, if wisely executed, will become the spearhead for a
broad front of courageous and energetic activities in all the fields of
endeavour of the human mind - activities which could not be carried out
except in a mental climate of ambition and confidence which such a spearhead
can give.
    -- Dr. Martin Schwarzschild, 1962, in "The History of Manned Space Flight"



"Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern
technology.  Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."



"Shelter," what a nice name for for a place where you polish your cat.



Many years ago in a period commonly know as Next Friday Afternoon,
there lived a King who was very Gloomy on Tuesday mornings because he
was so Sad thinking about how Unhappy he had been on Monday and how
completely Mournful he would be on Wednesday....
    -- Walt Kelly


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